
Calendar of Events

On April 26, in the spring evening in Mikulčice, we will again connect the music with archaeology. A new volume from a Mikulčice-guide series called Plants and Nutrition of Great Moravian Mikulčice by Michaela Látková will be introduced during the event. As a part of the artistic program, we will offer music full of passion, desire, tears of happiness and pain, but also of other emotions. The concert will be followed by a short presentation of the book accompanied by a tasting of meals from the Great Moravian menu.

Music program
S. d’India, G. G. Kapsberger, C. Monteverdi.

Le nuove musiche (SK):
Hilda Gulyás — soprano
Adam Szendrei — baroque violin
Mateusz Kowalski (PL) — viola da gamba
Jakub Mitrík — chitarrone, baroque guitar, artistic leader
